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Press clippings, before 1975

Call Number: RH MS 276

Scope and Contents

This series of material was originally located at Spencer Research Library with the pre-election senatorial papers, but was in such a state of chaos as to require extensive sorting. Apparently the clippings were snipped from the newspaper and a numerical code was written on their face to indicate which category they belonged in. Many clippings, especially during the election of 1974, have no code, so are filed at the end by year under a Miscellaneous category. The other loose clippings, most of which are unmounted, are still in their pre-1974 subject order. This order is the list of subjects in Box 229-232. These clippings were removed from the senatorial series because of their acidic nature, total disarray, and logical predecession to the gubernatorial mounted clippings in the following series.


  • Creation: before 1975


4 linear foot

Repository Details

Part of the University of Kansas. Kenneth Spencer Research Library Repository

1450 Poplar Lane
Lawrence KS 66045-7616 United States