Correspondence: Laura Pierpont Sperry to Anson Sperry, May 7, 1849
- Creation: May 7, 1849
"The band is playing for tattoo, and I have little time to write tonight, but I want to tell you that our destination is at last fixed, as I suppose, and we go to Fort Laramie. It is only 529 miles from here and so more accessible than any farther post. The regiment move from here next Thursday the 10th except Mr. R's [Colonel Benjamin S. Roberts] company and one other of the rifles, which wait till the 11th June to escort a train of 400 waggons [sic] of supplies for Ft. [Fort] Laramie and Ft [Fort] Kearney, which last is only half the distance. They carry provisions for a year. When Mr. R. [Colonel Benjamin S. Roberts] was in Washington, he got an order to go with his company to escort some civil officials and their families to San Francisco. This would give him an independent command, and he wrote to his brother Henry and to Pierpont, to come and join him, as he would give them employment and wages of some 40 or 50 pr. [per] mo.[nth]. These advantages still hold good, but whether they will have the same desire as to go to California I don't know, tho' Henry has written that he shall be here in a few days. I do not know what Pierpont will do. I do not know what provision he can make for his family, or whether he will be resolute enough to leave them. ... Mr. R. [Colonel Benjamin S. Roberts] has been determined not to go with the regt. [regiment] under command of Col.[onel] Loring, but it is arranged that his command (en route) is entirely independent, and the post is to be commanded by Maj[or] Sanderson who goes on with the regt. [regiment] We are wanting a chaplain. ... The officers are almost all (that are anything) Episcopalian. ... Laramie is only a little distance, and Pierpont will be able to send for his family in the spring if they wish. Other families will be coming out. Maj.[or] Sanderson and Mr. Elliott will send for theirs. Meantime his wife must be taken care of. I do not like to promise too much but will do what is necessary. She is able and ought to do something for herself.... I wish you were here this morning to see how busy our garrison looks. Genl. [General] Twiggs is here (and Mr. Mason with him and the troops are on inspection). The rifles are encamped 3 miles from here but the ladies are all in garrison till they move, which is day after tomorrow. Of course we are full to overflowing. Not only the rifles but a company of infantry to each post, that is, at Kearney, Laramie, and a post to be built at Bear River near Ft. [Fort] Hall, and all the troops for St. [Santa] Fee and the escorts of officers, are here. There is another encampment beside the Rifles near, and the garrison is full. You will suppose we look lively. ... I wish you would come out next summer. It will not cost you much, and you don't know how glad we should be to see you, and perhaps I will come home with you if I live."
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Part of the University of Kansas. Kenneth Spencer Research Library Repository