Postcards, 1895-1997 (bulk 1905-1930)
Scope and Contents
The postcard collection contains commercial souvenir postcards of specific towns and also non-commercial photographs of farms, homes, scenes, families or individuals that were printed on postcard stock paper for mailing.
The majority of the postcard collection originated from Lawrence, Kansas, including the University of Kansas, and also from towns in Douglas County, Kansas including Baldwin, Eudora, Wellsville, Lecompton, and a few more. The remainder... of the postcards are from towns and counties from the rest of the state of Kansas. There are several postcards from Kansas City, Missouri, as well as a few from other towns in Missouri and from Nebraska locations.
The "title" of the postcard is a description of the image on the front of the card in the Lawrence, University of Kansas, and Douglas County sub-series. The note describes additional details of the subject and also the names of the sender or receiver of the postcard or other details in the inscription. Not all of the details are described.
In the sub-series of "Other Kansas towns or counties including forts..." the "title" is the name of the town (or county). The subjects of the postcards are described in the notes either specifically or summarized.
Items from Douglas County are described in greater detail than postcards from other areas of the state of Kansas or other states. The inscription (if any) on the back of the postcard from sender to recipient is generally not described except for those regarding Douglas County or other historical information.
The date given on a folder was taken from the caption on the postcard, from the sender's inscription, or from the post mark stamped by the post office. Since some of the postcards do not have a caption, were not inscribed, or were not postmarked (or the postmark is illegible), the date given may only represent one postcard in the folder. The date is only provided for a reference and does not necessarily represent the dates of all of the postcards in the folder.
Hollmann frequently wrote in pencil in all capital letters on the back of the postcards with information about the town or scene depicted on the front. In some cases, he corrected misidentified information in the postcard caption or gave clarification.
- Creation: 1895-1997 (bulk 1905-1930)
Language of Materials
Almost all of the postcards and the inscriptions are in English, but a handful are inscribed by the senders in German or perhaps Swedish.
10 Linear Feet (20 document cases)
Postcards are arranged on the basis of the image on the front of the card, not necessarily on the inscription from the sender to the receiver (if any). They are described in 4 subseries: postcards of Lawrence, Kansas; postcards of the University of Kansas; postcards of Douglas County, Kansas; postcards of the rest of the state of Kansas and other states.
Haskell Institute (now known as Haskell Indian Nations University) is included with the Lawrence postcards. The University of Kansas (KU) postcards are in their own sub-series because of the volume of the items. This sub-series includes both the Lawrence, Kansas campus and a few from the University of Kansas Medical Center (KU Med) in Kansas City, Kansas.
The Lawrence and University of Kansas postcards are arranged by subject.
The postcards from Douglas County are arranged alphabetically by town name and by subject.
The postcards from the rest of Kansas are arranged alphabetically by town name. Forts are filed alphabetically. Fort Riley, due to the number of postcards, has been subdivided into pre-WWI, WWI (Camp Funston), and post-WWI (includes WWII). Some of the Fort Riley postcards were not dated so the time-frame has been estimated by processing staff.
When the origin (city name) of the postcard is not printed in the caption of the card, the origin may have been inferred from the inscription, from the postmark, or from other clues on the item.
With some exceptions, 5 postcards are stored in each folder.
Repository Details
Part of the University of Kansas. Kenneth Spencer Research Library Repository