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(Misc.) Correspondence, 1983 - 2003

 File — Box: 1, Folder: 1-2


  • Creation: 1983 - 2003
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Correspondence between Tidwell and others relating to his Frank Marshall Davis research. Correspondents include Cyndi Stephens, a woman with whom Davis had a relationship in the 1970s; Davis scholar Peter Harris; Steve Murin; Ozelle Scott, who knew Davis as a child; Fred Whitehead, a close friend of Davis; North Carolina University Press; Irma Wassall, poet and close friend of Davis; the Pearson family, Chicago-based friends of Davis; Kathryn Takara, poet and friend of Davis; Carol Oukrop; Black American Literature Forum; and various readers and talk attendees. Also included are notes from a telephone conversation with James Gaffney, nephew of Ozelle Scott, and Tidwell's contract for Livin' the Blues.

The file includes numerous photocopied articles, including "The Inquiry into the Education of Don Henry and His Subsequent Death in the Spanish Civil War" by Charles E. and Wynell B. Schamel; an essay by a Washburn University student about Irma Wassall; "The Fire and the Phoenix: Frank Marshall Davis" by Kathryn Takara; and "Against Canons" by Fred Whitehead.

Newspaper clippings from The Kansas City Star, Lawrence Journal-World, and The Wichita Eagle about Tidwell's lectures and the Confederate flag polemic are also included, as is the December 1993 issue of the K-Stater and the January-February 1991 issue of People's Culture, edited by Fred Whitehead.

Repository Details

Part of the University of Kansas. Kenneth Spencer Research Library Repository

1450 Poplar Lane
Lawrence KS 66045-7616 United States