George Stovin Venables (1810-1888), 8 and 26 August [1869?]
- Creation: 8 and 26 August [1869?]
Letter dated 8 August from Temple, 3 pages (1 sheet): Thanks for your going-to-Gibraltar present. Sorry about "the careless and trivial article in the [S?] R" --I have no control over the paper. [Venables was a steady contributor to the Saturday Review.] "Houghton and all lettered men I come across praise you." On Atheneum mourning paper.
Letter dated 26 August from RMS Morgana, Gibraltar, 4 pages (1 sheet): Praise of "Landor"; Landor's character. "I don't think you can be said to have invented Landor as Martyn [?] invented [Thomas] Arnold [(1795-1842)]." Minor errors. Life here. Sailing tomorrow for Lisbon. [What appears to be ''Martyn" could read "Stanley," that is, Arthur Penrhyn Stanley (1815-1881), Arnold's principal biographer.] On thin paper, fragile and hard to read.
Repository Details
Part of the University of Kansas. Kenneth Spencer Research Library Repository