D-W and unknown correspondents, [probably all 1869]
File — Box: 1, Folder: C:20-31
- Creation: [probably all 1869]
12 letters:
- John Thadeus Delane (1817-1879), dated 28 June, 2 pages (1 sheet)
- Dasent doesn't resent your act; glad to dine with you at Greenwich. On mourning paper. [Delane was editor of The Times; Sir George Webb Dasent (1817-1896) was assistant editor 1847-1870.]
- Charles Gavan Duffy (1816-1903), dated Melbourne, [11 Sept 1869?], 4 pages (1 sheet)
- "I loved old Landor" but I suspect you have only hinted at many defects. Thomas [Osborne] Davis (1814-1845). Carlyle and Mrs Carlyle's letters. Added: In our late ministerial crisis I refused to become Premier. Charmed with "The Ring and the Book"; but the fat should be cut. [Duffy was an Irish and Australian politician.]
- Julian Henry Charles Fane (1827-1870), dated 21 June 1869, Fotheringhay, Oundle, 4 pages (1 sheet)
- Have followed your advice in editing my paper about R.B. [see MS 111 box 1 item C:3.] Now reading "Landor."
- Albany William Fonblanque (1793-1872), dated 2 July 1869, 4 pages (1 sheet)
- Praise of first volume of "Landor": "He was far more ill-conditioned than I thought him." Apologises for hand--"I write with Government materials." On Board of Trade paper.
- James Anthony Froude (1818-1894), dated Derreen, Kenmare, Kerry, 12 Sept [1869?], 2 pages (1 sheet)
- Has the Prime Minister done anything for Miss Jewsbury [Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury (1812-1894)] yet? "Landor friends are savage at the Life"; I think it fair. Some pencil jottings on page 4.
- Edith (Villiers) Bulwer-Lytton, countess of Lytton, dated Purkersdorf, 14 July 1869, 3 pages (1 sheet)
- Praise of "Landor"; "difficult, but fine and loveable character"; best love to dear Mrs Forster. On British Embassy, Vienna, paper. [See also MS 111 box 1 item C:10.]
- Herman Merivale (1806-1874), dated 13 Cornwall Gardens, [?], 1 page
- Shall dine with you next Saturday; praise of "Landor."
- Caroline (Sheridan) Norton (1808-1877) [poet], dated 18 Queen's Gate Terrace, 1 May 1869, 2 pages (1 sheet)
- Praise of "Landor."
- Amédé Pichot (1796-1877), dated Paris, 15[?] July, 18[??], 3 pages (1 sheet)
- The Revue Britannique would like a review copy of "Landor": it introduced French readers to Landor by translating some of the Imaginary Conversations. I also am writing a biography--of Eugene Scribe. Regards to Dickens; please introduce my son to "the english literate."
- Sir Henry Taylor (1800-1886), dated The Roost, Bournemouth, 10 June 1869, 3 pages (1 sheet)
- Praise of "Landor." Sent Lady Russell (died 1898) a note on the averted challenge & Sosostris; I enclose her reply. [Copy of Lady Russell's note--see item MS 111 box 1 C:17--made on page 3 {by Forster?}].
- Robert [Charles] Winthrop [(1809-1894?)], dated Brookline, Mass, 1 Nov 1869, 4 pages (1 sheet)
- Thanks for "Landor" and praise of it. Once met Landor. Mentions Lord St Germans, Lord Shaftesbury, Longfellow, Holmes, Sir Henry Holland, Fields, as acquaintances.
- [unknown], dated F.O. [Foreign Office?], Dec 6, 3 pages (1 sheet)
- Thanks for the information in your two letters which I communicated to Lord Clarendon [presumably George William Frederick Villiers, 4th Earl of Clarendon, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (died 1870).] My wife enjoys "Landor."
Repository Details
Part of the University of Kansas. Kenneth Spencer Research Library Repository