Plates to the Birds of the Himalayas, 1831/1833
- Creation: 1831/1833
Physical Description
All items are colored litho prints unless otherwise indicated. Backgrounds and perches are uncolored except where stated in these notes.
Made-up collection of pattern plates for the Century, in a recent (1990s?) half-leather binding; pattern plates would not normally be bound together since they would be more convenient to use separately in the coloring process. Many of the plates show signs of the wear and tear of studio life, with frequent spots of paint. Each plate except those without a printed title bears a pencilled number at the lower right-hand corner, in the form "No. 1." The title-page is dated 1831, and has been augmented by hand in a very convincing way with the lines "Complete set of the / 80 coloured pattern plates / together with six extra plates / not called for in the published work."
Repository Details
Part of the University of Kansas. Kenneth Spencer Research Library Repository