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Midwest Distributors records

Call Number: RH MS 949


Midwest Distributors was founded in 1978 in Kansas City, Missouri with assistance from the Coordinating Council of Literary Magazines, and was later supported by the National Endowment for the Arts. The organization promoted and distributed small press literature and alternative cultural materials to libraries, bookstores, and individuals primarily in Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, as well as southern Illinois, Iowa, and Indiana. This collection of their records consists primarily of literary materials intended for distribution, as well as administrative and financial records. It includes some records and lists related to publications the institution was considering distributing, often annotated with staff comments and opinions regarding those publications.


  • Creation: 1978 - 1988


Language of Materials

English, German, Spanish, Russian

Conditions Governing Access

No access restrictions.

Conditions Governing Use

Spencer Library staff may determine use restrictions dependent on the physical condition of manuscript materials.


16 Linear Feet (19 boxes + 1 oversize box)

Physical Location

RH MS 949

Physical Location

RH MS 1237

Physical Location

RH MS Q339

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Gifts, Fred Whitehead, 1985, 1988

Processing Information

Previously shelved at RH MS 417.

Guide to the Midwest Distributors Collection
Midwest Distributors records
Finding aid prepared by st, 2007. Finding aid encoded by st, 2007. Finding aid revised by eear, 2013; mwh, 2023.
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Finding aid written in English.
Finding aid permalink
Preferred citation
Midwest Distributors Collection, Kansas Collection, RH MS 949, Kenneth Spencer Research Library, University of Kansas Libraries

Repository Details

Part of the University of Kansas. Kenneth Spencer Research Library Repository

1450 Poplar Lane
Lawrence KS 66045-7616 United States