Stereoview of World War I generals at the American Legion convention held in Kansas City
Call Number: RH PH P2794
Photographic stereoview of WWI Generals at the American Legion convention held in Kansas City in 1921.
- Creation: 1921
Conditions Governing Access
No access restrictions.
Conditions Governing Use
Spencer Library staff may determine use restrictions dependent on the physical condition of manuscript materials.
1 folder
Language of Materials
Scope and Contents
This photograph of leaders of World War I was taken at the national convention of the American Legion, which was held in Kansas City in 1921, and includes information about the men pictured, notated on the back of the photograph.
Call Number
RH PH P2794
Immediate Source of Acquisition
Purchase, 2006.
- Title
- Guide to the World War I Generals at Kansas City Collection
- Subtitle
- Stereoview of World War I generals at the American Legion convention held in Kansas City
- Author
- Finding aid prepared by ea. Finding aid encoded by ea.
- Description rules
- Describing Archives: A Content Standard
- Language of description
- Finding aid written in English.
- Finding aid permalink
- Preferred citation
World War I Generals at Kansas City Collection, RH PH P2794, Kenneth Spencer Research Library, University of Kansas.
Repository Details
Part of the University of Kansas. Kenneth Spencer Research Library Repository