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Michaele Cossoni music manuscript

 Collection — Volume: 1
Call Number: MS K3


Collection of sacred vocal songs, tenor part only, copied by Michaele Coosonio in 1645. "Fasciculus myrrhe; id est Collectio sacrorum concertuu una decantandorum voce: vel Cantu vel tenor. anno M.DC.XLV excerptus a me Michaele Cossonio a floridis eruditoru viroru hortis."


  • Creation: 1645


Conditions Governing Access

No access restrictions.

Conditions Governing Use

Spencer Library staff may determine use restrictions dependent on the physical condition of manuscript materials.


1 volume : Large ornate initials on title page and at beginning of most songs. The material is paper. The binding uses contemporary paper wrappers. 46 leaves (leaves 47 and 48 wanting; leaves are not numbered). ; 10.3 x 27.5 cm

Language of Materials


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Scope and Contents

Early pages in the volune include a page with staves with a small amount of unidentified music. Music on the next several pages include titles:

Domine ad adiuuandum me festina -- Salmo del Vespere Laudate pueri -- Della nativita di N.S. Ecce dies expectata -- Sagittasti cor meum -- Alla feste di N. Sigre. Triumphemus iubilantes -- Del Sigre. et alla elevation et in tempo di passion Entes populi virgins -- In tempo di Pianto e di pentimento e per le quarant hore Eh peccatrix anima 16v-17v Per piu martiri Venite venite filie Jerusalem -- Nella festivity della Madonna In mentis iubilo -- Per le festivity di Sta. Croce Ave crux anctissimi -- Per le festivity di santi, e sante, e per it Natale Ecce dies chara -- Del Sacramento Hic adest charissimi -- Del Signore Satis est mi bone Jesu -- Del Signore Ah mi Jesu vere mea gloria -- Egredimini filie Sion -- Del Sigre. Spera anima -- Del sacramento. Caro mea vere est cibus.

This last piece is incomplete; two leaves are missing at the end of the volume.

Physical Location


Immediate Source of Acquisition

L'Art Ancien, Zurich, before 1961.

Guide to the Michaele Cossoni Music Manuscript Collection
Michaele Cossoni music manuscript
Finding aid prepared by am, 1961. Finding aid encoded by mg, 2005.
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Finding aid written in English.
Finding aid permalink
Preferred citation
Michaele Cossoni music manuscript, Department of Special Collections, MS K3, Kenneth Spencer Research Library, University of Kansas

Repository Details

Part of the University of Kansas. Kenneth Spencer Research Library Repository

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