Joseph Compton autobiography and detailed financial accounts of his life as rector of Holland, Essex, England
Autobiography and personal records of Joseph Compton, born 1698. The volume includes detailed personal accounts of income and outgoing monies (including building accounts with plans), dating from 1724-1743; information regarding servants (agreements to serve, wages, perks, characters), dating from 1726-1753; a catalogue of Roman medals and coins (priced), collected in 1719-1735; a catalog of books or sermons; as well as records regarding tithes and... other matters to do with Great Holland parish in Essex, England, dating from 1681 and 1725-1745.
See moreDates
- Creation: approximately 1730-1754
- Compton, Joseph, 1698- (Person)
Conditions Governing Access
No access restrictions.
Conditions Governing Use
Spencer Library staff may determine use restrictions dependent on the physical condition of manuscript materials.
1 volume : Binding: Contemporary calfskin, lettered ‘A Diary.’ Foliation: Unfoliated except for casual (inaccurate) pencilings. Material: Paper. ; Volume is no taller than 37 cm.
Language of Materials
Scope and Contents
Some of the earliest leaves (16 total) in the volume are entitled "The history of my own life," with items dating from (1648)-1698-1729.
Also in the volume is a key to notes or names (2 leaves); an Accounts of Coin received and paid 1724-1743 (approximately 70 leaves passim); Enories of Cash from 1724-1736 (7 leaves); "Yearly Compositions of Tithes for Great Holland. 1725-1735, 1737-1743" (11 leaves); "Other matters to do with Great Holland tithes, land taxes, leases. 1735-1745" (14 leaves); "The Living of East Mersey (income). 1736-1737" (1 leaf); Thorpe curancy income, 1740; building accounts, including two pages of draft plans from 1725-1741; "An estimate of the my Gt. Holland. (scarcely begun) 1746-1747"; memoranda of things bought and sold from 1723-1729 (1 page); yearly expenses of the house (1 page); and "The order of Master Spencer Compton's Burial [expenses]. June 21, 1741."
Information related to servants includes 5 leaves of agreements to serve, dating from 1743-1753; copies of letters asking mercy for servants from 1751 and 1753 (2 leaves); information regarding servants' wages, perks, and characters from 1726-1753 (3 leaves); "Faults of Coachman 1744" (1 leaf); "'John Brown' arrested by Garrik?" (1 page); and a new order for servants duties (1 page).
Additional items appearing in the volume include verses (1 page); "NB Walpole??" (on reverse of the page of verses); accounts of Compton genealogy (2 leaves); an alphabetical list of sermons or books (5 leaves); addresses and notes about acquaintances (1 leaf); "A terrier of the parsonage of Gr. Holland, Essex. 1681" (1 leaf); acres in Great Holland, 1730; privileges of the clergy (1 leaf); a recipe to make copper like silver (2 pages); copy of a marriage bond (1 page); a catalogue of Roman medals and coins dating from 1719-1735 (2 leaves); and copies of letters asking ordination for a curate from 1754 (1 page).
Physical Location
MS E70
Custodial History
Red leather armorial book plate of Edward Hail[s]tone. Pencil note on front cover: Puttick Simpson June 2, 1892. John Taylor owned in 1900.
Immediate Source of Acquisition
H.W. Edwards, 1963
- Title
- Guide to the Joseph Compton Manuscript Collection
- Subtitle
- Joseph Compton autobiography and detailed financial accounts of his life as rector of Holland, Essex, England
- Author
- Finding aid prepared by alh, 1964. Finding aid encoded by skt, 2006.
- Date
- 2006
- Description rules
- Describing Archives: A Content Standard
- Language of description
- Finding aid written in English.
- Finding aid permalink
- Preferred citation
Joseph Compton autobiography and detailed financial accounts of his life as rector of Great Holland, Essex, England, MS E70, Kenneth Spencer Research Library, University of Kansas.
Repository Details
Part of the University of Kansas. Kenneth Spencer Research Library Repository