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Heraldic Prints from Joseph Edmondson's Baronagium Genealogicum

Call Number: MS Q42


This collection consists of 27 copper-engraved heraldic prints from the six-volume work Baronagium Genealogicum by Joseph Edmonson, published in London from 1764-1784. The prints were collected by Margaret Hubbard Countryman, who may have bought them in Boston. Her daughter, Mary Louise Humphrey, donated them to the Kenneth Spencer Research Library. Three tinted prints from the same work were later donated by Aaron Macks and have been added to the... collection.

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  • Creation: 1764 - 1784

Conditions Governing Access

No access restrictions.

Conditions Governing Use

Spencer Library staff may determine use restrictions dependent on the physical condition of manuscript materials.

Biography of Joseph Edmondson (1732-1786)

Joseph Edmondson, born in 1732 in England, originally apprenticed as a barber but became a heraldic artist and eventually, in 1763, became Queen Charlotte's coach-painter. Though he continued his coach-painting business until his death in 1786, Edmondson began publishing his Baronagium Genealogicum and became a Mowbray Herald of Arms Extraordinary in 1764.

Edmondson was well received by aristocratic patrons because of his enthusiasm and talent but...
disliked by academic peers because of his humble beginnings and heritage and because of his pushy and intrusive personality. His many publications included Tables of Precedency (1764), Historical and Genealogical Account of the Noble Family of Greville (1766), Companion to the Peerage of Great Britain and Ireland (1776), and his most famous work, A Complete Body of Heraldry (1780).

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1.5 Linear Feet (1 oversize box + 1 oversize folder) ; Most items measure 39 x 49 cm or smaller.

Language of Materials


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Physical Location

MS Q42

Physical Location

MS Qa50

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Gifts, Mary Louise Humphrey, 2010; Aaron Macks, November 2022.

Related Materials

A link to a complete, digital copy of Baronagium Genealogicum is available for authorized users through Gale Cengate Learning's 18th Century Collections Online database by logging in and searching through the University of Kansas' online catalog.

Processing Information

Prints are organized and foldered by volume, other than the oversize prints located at MS Qa50. All information is transcribed directly from the plates with amendments, where necessary, in brackets [ ]. The * next to plate numbers are also taken from the manuscript and do not reference a note within this finding aid.



Guide to the Mary Louise Humphrey Collection
Heraldic Prints from Joseph Edmondson's Baronagium Genealogicum
Finding aid prepared by pb, 2010. Finding aid encoded by pb, 2010. Finding aid revised by eear, 2015; eje, 2023.
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Finding aid written in English.
Finding aid permalink
Preferred citation
Heraldic Prints from Joseph Edmondson's <emph render="italic">Baronagium Genealogicum</emph>, MS Q42, Kenneth Spencer Research Library, University of Kansas

Repository Details

Part of the University of Kansas. Kenneth Spencer Research Library Repository

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