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Rich Crank AIDS Collection

Call Number: RH MS 1276


This collection contains information related to the HIV/AIDS health crisis and several exhibitions collected and created by Rich Crank for the University of Kansas Libraries and Lawrence, Kansas community. It includes newspaper articles, magazines, newsletters, governmental resources, brochures, audiovisual materials, and exhibition materials.


  • Creation: 1986 - 2009


Language of Materials

Mostly English; some German, Spanish, and French.

Conditions Governing Access

No access restrictions.

Biography of Rich Crank

Rich Crank was a staff member of the University of Kansas Libraries.

Following the death of three friends from the AIDS virus, Crank became active in educating the public about this health crisis. Crank said, "If people become more aware, cases of AIDS won't go up as fast as they have."

In 1992, Crank created two displays on AIDS awareness for two libraries on KU campus, Anschutz Science Library and Watson Library, as part of World AIDS Awareness Day...
(December 1). The Anschutz display highlighted scientific and psychological research, while the Watson display highlighted the effect of AIDS on literature and institutions throughout the world. In 1994, Crank created a display for ArtFrames Gallery in Lawrence, Kansas, entitled "Past the Compass: Posters in the AIDS Crisis," again for World AIDS Awareness Day. Many of these posters have been donated to the Kenneth Spencer Research Library by Crank (see "Related Materials").

In 2009, the University of Kansas Libraries hosted an exhibit in the Watson Library Gallery titled "Reach Out: Scholarly and Visual Communication to Promote AIDS Awareness." This was a multidisciplinary exhibition, showcasing the research of KU scholars, with the primary goal of educating the public about the AIDS crisis.

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2 Linear Feet (4 boxes + 1 oversize box, 1 cassette tape, 2 VHS tapes, 6 DVDs, 6 CDs)

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Physical Location

RH MS 1276

Physical Location

RH MS 1442

Physical Location

RH MS R326

Physical Location

RH Cassette Tape 58

Physical Location

RH Video 39

Physical Location

RH CD 32

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Gifts, Rich Crank, 2009, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019.

Related Materials

Consult reference staff for availability of corresponding artificial collections.

Rich Crank AIDS Posters collection. Shelved at Spencer Research Library at RH P1798-RH P1801, RH P1813, RH P1822-RH P1825, RH Q247-RH Q269, RH R211-RH R281, RH R283-RH R330, RH R332-RH R348, RH R350-RH R353, RH S16-RH S26; consult the library catalog for additional details.

Separated Materials

Age of AIDS. Produced by Renata Simone. [Alexandria, VA]: PBS Home Video, circa 2006. Located at Spencer Research Library at KC AV 14.

Guide to the Rich Crank Collection
Rich Crank AIDS Collection
Finding aid prepared by brch, 2012; revised by aam 2014; eear, 2016; mwh, 2018; haz, 2019; mmj, 2024.
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Finding aid written in English.
Support for processing portions of this collection was provided by the G. Baley Price Spencer Research Library Fellowship Fund.
Finding aid permalink
Preferred citation
Rich Crank AIDS Collection, RH MS 1276, Kenneth Spencer Research Library, University of Kansas

Repository Details

Part of the University of Kansas. Kenneth Spencer Research Library Repository

1450 Poplar Lane
Lawrence KS 66045-7616 United States