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George C. Angle papers

Call Number: RH MS 47


George C. Angle, a Republican politician from Barnesville, Kansas, was active as precinct organizer and minor political functionary in the Kansas Republican party. This collection contains correspondence, lists of voters, clippings, minutes of local political conventions, and similar materials related to his political organizing, as well as personal materials, including letters from Fred Clendening, who was a sergeant under Frederick Funston during... the Spanish-American War.

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  • Creation: 1874 - 1906


Conditions Governing Access

No access restrictions.

Conditions Governing Use

Spencer Library staff may determine use restrictions dependent on the physical condition of manuscript materials.

Biography Of George C. Angle (1862-1938)

George C. Angle was born in 1862, the son of George and Sarah (Baughman?) Angle. George's father served as a major in the 90th Ohio Volunteer Infantry during the Civil War.

The Angle family moved to Barnesville, Bourbon County, Kansas in 1874, after Angle's father died. George Angle thereafter became very active in Kansas politics, particularly in his role as as precinct organizer for the North Osage Township in Bourbon County; Angle was appointed...
organizer in 1894. He later served as assistant postmaster in 1895 for the Kansas House of Representatives and in 1903 was appointed Assistant Document Clerk for the Kansas House. George Angle died and was buried in Bourbon County, Kansas in 1938.

[Information retrieved from accession file and]

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2.5 Linear Feet (5 boxes)

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Scope and Contents

The collection contains personal and political correspondence, lists of voters, clippings, minutes of local political conventions, and similar materials in five boxes. The correspondence includes family letters, letters from the Republican State Central Committee in Topeka and the Bourbon County Central Committee in Fort Scott. Political topics include anti-Populism and the silver debate.

One group of family letters is from Sergeant Fred Clendening, Co. F, 20th Kansas Infantry, Manilla dating from 1898 to 1899. Clendening served with General Frederick Funston during the Spanish American War. Other Angle correspondents include Fred Funston's father and Republican member of the U.S. House of Representatives Edward Hogue Funston, Justin DeWitt Bowersock, Joseph L. Bristow, J. J. Ingalls, Francis H. Snow of the University of Kansas, Preston B. Plumb, Morton Albaugh, William A. Quayle, William Eugene Stanley, Walter Roscoe Stubbs, and others.

Physical Location

RH MS 47

Physical Location

RH MS R485

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Purchase, Smoky Hill Booksellers, 1958. Purchased in memory of Jeanne Quinsey and Professor James L. Wortham.

Processing Information

Printed ephemera formerly located at RH H111.

Guide to the George C. Angle Collection
George C. Angle papers
lgg 4 April 1974 (revised); mg 2004
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Finding aid written in English.
Finding aid permalink
Preferred citation
George C. Angle papers, Kansas Collection, RH MS 47, Kenneth Spencer Research Library, University of Kansas

Repository Details

Part of the University of Kansas. Kenneth Spencer Research Library Repository

1450 Poplar Lane
Lawrence KS 66045-7616 United States