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Arden Booth State Senate papers

Call Number: RH MS 1404


Material relating predominately to Arden Booth's time in the Kansas State Senate, with the addition of a small amount of personal materials and some information regarding the radio station KLWN, mostly in the form of letters.


  • Creation: 1964 to 1990 (bulk 1971 to 1976)


Conditions Governing Access

No access restrictions.

Conditions Governing Use

Spencer Library staff may determine use restrictions dependent on the physical condition of manuscript materials.

Biography of Arden Booth (1911-2000)

Arden Booth was born on December 4th, 1911 in Fairview, Brown County, Kansas. He received a bachelor's degree in music from Baker University in 1936, after attending Kansas State University for a year and working for a few years as a Dairy Herd Improvement Inspector. After receiving his B.A., Booth spent several years teaching music at various levels in Highland, Doniphan County, Kansas.

During World War II Booth served in Oahu, Hawaii in the Entertainment...
Division, broadcasting a weekly program called "The Khaki Academy of Modern Music." He married his wife Bette Mills during his time in Hawaii, in 1946. They had two children, Bette and Hank.

After the war Arden returned to Lawrence, Kansas and eventually started the radio station KLWN with his wife. Bette died in 1956.

From 1971 to 1976 Arden served as a Senator in the Kansas Legislature, where he worked to pass legislation on a variety of topics including campaign finance reform and a bill making Haskell Indian College students eligible for in-state tution. During this time he also worked to create the "Youth in Government" program with Lawrence High School, and he helped pass the Small Claims Procedure Act, creating the first small claims court in Kansas.

For his work with the State Senate, the Senate passed resolution #1839, Arden Booth Kansas State Commendation, in 1998. Arden Booth died March 10, 2000.

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4.5 Linear Feet (5 boxes + 1 oversize box)

Language of Materials


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Scope and Contents

The Senate material in the Arden Booth collection deals with a wide range of topics, the bulk of which is made up of correspondence either to and from constituents or from senators to other senators, as well as legislation in both finalized and draft form.

Many topics are covered, with larger amounts of material covering elections (campaign finance, recall elections, voting times, and ballot forms) than other topics, such as vechicle registration or nursing certifications.


The collection is arranged in alphabetical order by subject heading, chronological materials placed at the end of the collection. However, material was kept as much as possible grouped as it was given to the Spencer Research Library, resulting in several non-descriptive headings such as "A" or "Miscellaneous."

Physical Location

RH MS 1404

Physical Location

RH MS R405

Processing Information

Several pockets of material in the collection came to the Spencer Research Library after being wet; these materials were frozen and treated for mold in 2017.

Guide to the Arden Booth Collection
Arden Booth State Senate papers
Finding aid compiled by tmw, 2017. Finding aid encoded by tmw, 2017.
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Finding aid written in English.
Finding aid permalink
Preferred citation
Arden Booth State Senate papers, RH MS 1404, Kenneth Spencer Research Library, University of Kansas

Repository Details

Part of the University of Kansas. Kenneth Spencer Research Library Repository

1450 Poplar Lane
Lawrence KS 66045-7616 United States