Lawrence National Bank & Trust Company records
Documentation regarding the Lawrence National Bank & Trust Company, which was located in Lawrence, Kansas from the middle of the 19th century through the 20th century. The collection includes ledgers, correspondence, and miscellaneous financial documents regarding the bank's own financial standing and regarding some customers who held accounts with the bank.
- Creation: 1858-1970s
- Lawrence National Bank (Lawrence, Kan.) (Organization)
Conditions Governing Access
No access restrictions.
Conditions Governing Use
Spencer Library staff may determine use restrictions dependent on the physical condition of manuscript materials.
History of the Lawrence National Bank and Trust Company
The Lawrence National Bank & Trust Company was incorporated in 1865 and housed from 1872 in a structure at 647 Massachusetts Street in Lawrence, Kansas. The bank built a new building in 1950, replacing the more ornate Victorian structure with a plain, unornamented building. In 1972, the bank moved next door and used the 1950 structure for offices.
Lawrence National Bank merged with First National Bank, which had begun in Lawrence as Merchants Bank in 1877, in 1992. In 1993, the merged banks changed names to become the Mercantile Bank of Lawrence. In 2000, Mercantile changed names again to become Firstar, and in 2001, changed names again to U.S. Bank. The 647 Massachusetts Street structure has since been used by a variety of other commercial and consumer-driven businesses.
[Information retrieved from D. Wolfenbarger's Kansas Historic Resources Inventory Reconnaisasance Form for 647 Massachusetts Street, completed 1993; and "1865 - U.S. Bank," City of Lawrence website,]
9 Linear Feet (9 boxes + 19 volumes)
Language of Materials
Scope and Contents
The collection includes documentation for both the bank's own financial accounting, as well as records regarding customers who held accounts with the bank, or possibly for whom the bank acted as trustee. Several volumes and loose records regard mortgages and loans held by the bank. Some volumes appear to be accounting for income and expenses for the Eldridge Hotel and businesses that operated within the hotel specifically.
Physical Location
RH MS 264
Immediate Source of Acquisition
Deposit, Lawrence Bank & Trust Company, 1978.
- Lawrence National Bank (Lawrence, Kan.) -- Records and correspondence (Organization)
- Eldridge Hotel (Lawrence, Kan.) (Organization)
- Title
- Guide to the Lawrence National Bank Collection
- Subtitle
- Lawrence National Bank & Trust Company records
- Author
- Finding aid prepared by lgg, 1978; mwh, 2021. Finding aid encoded by mwh, 2021.
- Date
- 2021
- Description rules
- Describing Archives: A Content Standard
- Language of description
- Finding aid written in English.
- Finding aid permalink
- Preferred citation
Lawrence Bank & Trust Company records, RH MS 264, Kenneth Spencer Research Library, University of Kansas
Repository Details
Part of the University of Kansas. Kenneth Spencer Research Library Repository