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Hacienda Sondor collection

Call Number: MS E286


This collection consists of three ledgers used by the Hacienda Sondor of Peru, under the charge of Jose Antonio Cacho. It is unclear if this is the same Hacienda Sondor in present-day Cajamarca, Peru. The ledgers include information about daily activities, livestock, and worker debts.


  • Creation: 1850s-1860s

Conditions Governing Access

No access restrictions.

Conditions Governing Use

Spencer Library staff may determine use restrictions dependent on the physical condition of manuscript materials.


3 Volumes : All three volumes are paper ledgers wrapped in vellum. The volumes have cord ties that are no longer functional due to missing parts. ; No volume measures more than 31.5 cm tall.

Language of Materials

Spanish; Castilian

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Scope and Contents

The three volumes in this collection record daily work and livestock at Hacienda Sondor in Peru. All three volumes progress chronologically and contain indexes that list the names of individuals either in the employ of Hacienda Sondor or livestock owners. Each volume contains a skull-and-crossbones icon for those workers or livestock owners that died. Two of the volumes appear to be accounting records, counting the [work? attendance?] of a given worker, or documenting the number of sheep in a flock or the number of sheep that died.

Physical Location

MS E286

Separated Materials

A fourth volume that apparently came to Spencer Research Library at the same time, En este quaderno estan los imbentarios [sic] de los bienes de la madre Doña Juana de la Fuente y 89 recibos con que se y incluye la cuenta de cargo y data que ha corrido al cuidado de la Madre Doña Maria Sebastiana Tello de Meneses, abadesa del monesterio [sic] de Santa Clara, was separated from this collection and can be found at MS E287.

Guide to the Hacienda Sondor Collection
Hacienda Sondor collection
Finding aid prepared by mmj. Finding aid encoded by mmj.
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Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Finding aid written in English.
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Preferred citation
Hacienda Sondor collection, MS E286, Kenneth Spencer Research Library, University of Kansas.

Repository Details

Part of the University of Kansas. Kenneth Spencer Research Library Repository

1450 Poplar Lane
Lawrence KS 66045-7616 United States