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John Brown to Orson Day, Esq. Dated Osawatomie, Kansas Territory, February 21, 1856
Sent in care of Horace Day, Esq., in Centerville, Pennsylvania. Brown mentions the heavy snowfall which had hampered the delivery of the mails. Day, who is coming to Kansas, is given advice on the best conveyance and advised to seek our Charles Adair upon his arrival in Osawatomie. Adair, identified by Brown as a "half Brother-in-law", would treat Day as a friend. Brown further discussed the possible reception of a "Free State man" in Missouri and Kansas.
John Brown, Jr. to Orson Day, Esq. Dated Brown's Station, Kansas Territory, January 23, 1856
Upon his father's direction, John Brown, Jr. wrote to Day at his home in White Hall, N.Y. Brown provides advice on the best conveyance and routes which is in more detail than that given by his father.
John Brown to Jason Brown. "Dear Children every One," Dated Topeka, Kansas Territory, August 11, 1856
John Brown to "My Dear Daughter Ellen," Dated Boston, Mass, May 13, 1859
A short, affectionate note to Ellen, Brown's five year old daughter, written six weeks before he went to Harper's Ferry.