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Folder 1

Call Number: MS P563

Contains 1 Result:

"Abstract of Engineers Artillery People and Miners agreed to be Furnished by Holland for serving the Joint Battering Train, and Paid 2/3ds by Great Britain and 1/3d by Holland", after 1740

 File — Folder: 1
Scope and Contents

Short table in clerk's hand detailing 900 men (5 companies of artillery, etc.) on top half of page; on bottom half a contemporary note in a gentleman's hand: "I should think that an addition of one Company more...would be sufficient for any Menin for Example we had 71 Pieces of 24 In Battery and 44 mortars..." The reference must be to the Siege of Menin in 1706: see MS G48 leaf 78v "Our Batterys were all mounted 71 pieces of Cannon & 44 Mortars..." Was found at folio 26.

Dates: after 1740