Folder B
Contains 19 Results:
"Economic plan for industries", September 1931
Review of article in Journal of Commerce.
"Capital disarming communism", March 1, 1930
Copied from the Literary Digest.
"C. of C. favors modification of anti-trust laws", 1931
Review of report by Special Committee on Continuity of Business and Employment, Washington D.C.
"Has Capitalism broken down freedom of individual initiative and right of private property?", June 1931
Review of article in National City Bank Letter, p. 91:5.
"Stabilizing an industry" [coal], September 9, 1931
Editorial, The New York Times.
"Capitalism has just begun", June 1931
Interview with Edwin R.A.Seligman copied from Review of Reviews.
"New system of control needed", July 1, 1931
Review of article by Russell Smith from The Survey Graphic, 333:5.
"Scientific management is urged to cure world's ills", August 1931
Copied from Steel.
"Can commodity production be stabilized?", March 1931
Article by C.W. Steffler. Copied from Trade Winds.
"Is a planned world economy practicable?", December 24, 1930
Review of article by C.W. Steffler, Commerce & Finance, p. 2350:3.
"Are our anti-trust laws out of date?", May 1931
Article by Silas H. Strawn. Nation's Business.
"The views of a representative of an international management organization", August 1931
Article by L. Urwicke. Copied from Taylor Society Magazine.
"The view of an officer of the International Industrial Relations Associations", August 1931
Article by D.H. van der Leeuw. Taylor Society.
"Capitalism versus socialism [in the Japanese Diet]", May 15, 1930
Article by Dr. S. Washio. Copied from the Trans-Pacific.
"The Stevenson Plan: some conclusions and observations", August 1931
Charles R. Whittlesey. Copied from the Journal of Political Economy.
"The challenge to capitalism", March 27 [Year?]
From an address by Daniel Willard before the Wharton School of Finance.
"Present anti-trust laws will not work", June 10, 1931
Article by J.H. Williams in the Atlantic Monthly
"Surplus is basic problem of American production", 1930
Article by Owen D. Young. Speaking before National Electric Light Association.
"Effective competition stabilizes industry", August 5, 1931
Review of article by Scoville Hamlin, Commerce and Finance,p. 1128:3.