Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons
Found in 3 Records:
Evidence against and Defence of Edward Montagu, 2nd Earl of Manchester
Order of the House of Commons Drawn Out of the Journals of the Said House Beginning at Primo Ed: 6ti: and ending 31:
Volume writen by "the learned William Lambert of Lincolns Inn Esquire." Includes sections on the first, second, and third reading of bills; who can and cannot be burgesses; punishment for offenses against the House; House member privileges, etc. William Lambarde (1536-1601) was an English antiquarian, politician, and writer on legal subjects.
Parliamentary diary
Private diary or minutes by an uknown author. Title on leaf 3: "Notes of the things moved and preffered In p[ar]lament since my cuming hether wch was on the 18 of aprill 1614 but was begun the 5 of aprill." Original, perhaps compiled notes. Largely a narrative of proceedings in the House of Commons, digesting each speech; some transcripts of speeches; a few anecdotes, such as the account of the death of the Duke of Richmond, 1624. Some royal letters, petitions, etc.