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IV. Contracts with labourers, 1833 - 1835

 File — Volume: 1, Page: 64, 70, 72

Scope and Contents

Leaf 64: between Michael McNally of Newtown, farmer labourers. February 10, 1833. And Mathew Flood and his sons Michael Thomas and Mathew Flood of Dardistown, To serve for one year from May 1 as herd and caretaker; as plowman and labourer; as carter and labourer; as plow drive and labourer (lists specific duties). For cash and land for potatoes, and "a house to live in the grass and fodder of a cow and her calf one borell of meslin for bread in lieu of harvest diet one load of straw for beds in lieu of the cabbin dung and faggots to cut for forcing..." and travel money when driving to Drogheda or Dublin market.

Leaf 70: between Michael McNally of Newtown, farmer And James, Thomas, and Edward Kennady, labourers, of Mutstown. May 1, 1834. To serve as plowmen carters and labourers for a Cabbin to live in ...[as above] and daily wages.

Leaf 72: between Michael McNally of Newtown, farmer, and Patt Hoye and his sons Thomas Patt and John Hoye of Knockingen, labourers. Undated [1835?] To serve for one year as plowman and general labourer; as general labourer; as plow driver and labourer; as herd and fence-caretaker. For cash and a house to live in ...[as above] and one ridge of potatoes.


  • Creation: 1833 - 1835

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