Slides: Birds
Sub-topics by which slides are grouped include grebes; pelican; ducks; vultures; hawks and eagles; ospreys; falcons; turkeys; grouse and quail; herons; rails and coots; avocets and stilts; plovers; sand pipers; gulls and terns; doves and pigeons; cuckoos; owls; goatsuckers; hummingbirds; fingfishers; woodpeckers; flycatchers; crows and jays; chckadees; nuthatches; creepers; wrens; thrashes and mocking birds; thrushes and bluebirds; kinglets; waxwings; shrikes; starlings; vireos; warblers; orioles and blackbirds; sparrows and finches; ostriches; swallows; unsorted slides of various birds.
Repository Details
Part of the University of Kansas. Kenneth Spencer Research Library Repository