General applications, Stev-Z and miscellaneous
Includes James W. Stevens, Connie S. Stewart, Joseph Michael Stipetich, R. Kenneth Stolz, Arthur J. Stone, Steve Elliott Stone, T. W. Stone, Sandra Lynn Stones, James Henry Stroman, Mary L. Stuckey, Billy Dour Studer, John D. Sullivan, Sundernath, Bonnie Swartz, Charles Stanley Testerman, Richard Thiele, Tammie Tholl, Jeanne Thomas, Spencer Lee Thomas, Clay Thompson, Patrick H. Thompson, Harry Tims, Marsha Williams Tinkum, Virginia Titus, Donald P. Traer, Emmitt J. Tucker, Jr., James Lowell Ungerer, Nghiem Van Do, Floyd Van Palmer, Douglas Veith, Larry Vereen, Mary Lou West, Edward F. Vetter, Michael Conant Wait, Warren Walker, Amy Ottinger Walters, Jeffrey Wayne Wampler, Sara Katherine Warner, Judith M. Wasko, William Ralph Waugh, Hulon E. Webb, Damon F. Weber, Mahlon G. Weed, Marilyn Weil, Bud Weir, Hugh Alleman Wentz, Beulah I. Wheeler, Terry K. Whelan, Craig M. White, Tyson Wade Whiteside, Bill Jack Wiesner, Wiebe, Flossie Wilkinson, John E. Wilkinson, Paula A. Wilkoff, Carolyn Wilcoxon, Frankie L. Willett, Clarence Leon Williams, Neil A. Williams, Peter R. Williams, David Ramsey Wilson, James A. Wilson II, J. Timothy Wilson, Max B. Winans, Naomi Lee Winchell, Charles E. Winslow, William E. Winton, Michael Robert Wise, Gary D. Woodman, Billy Jones Woods, Warren Buchanan Wooldridge, Don Worden, Corbin M. Wright, James H. Wright, Jerel L. Wright, Errol G. Wuertz, John R. Wurth, Galen O. Yoder, Joseph G. Youngkamp, Cynthia Sue Zeller, and Renee Marie Zimmerman. Also includes miscellaneous commissions, Ernest Van Dyke Murphy.
Repository Details
Part of the University of Kansas. Kenneth Spencer Research Library Repository