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White House Conference on Aging (WHCA)

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This sub-series contains material related to the national 1971 and 1981 White House Conference on Aging and the 1995 Kansas White House Conference on Aging. Included in the sub-series are educational guides and reference materials from local and national aging agencies, annotated legislative bills and amendments, legislative summaries, directories, material from aging conferences, correspondence, issue papers, statistical profiles and fact sheets, conference resolutions, executive summaries, committee reports, directories, photographs of conference participants, WHCA publications, and material about various aging issues and senior rights.

Within the sub-series, material was arranged in rough alphabetical order and grouped chronologically by conference by Spencer processing staff to aid access.

Repository Details

Part of the University of Kansas. Kenneth Spencer Research Library Repository

1450 Poplar Lane
Lawrence KS 66045-7616 United States