SFRA papers received
Contains "Science Fiction in a Secondary School” by Alice Avey; "Samuel R. Delany and the Parts of Fiction" by Douglas Barbour; "The Myth of the Computer in Science Fiction” By Valerie Broege; "The Computer as a Symbol of God: Ellison's Macabre Exodus" by Charles J. Brady; “Opening Session Remarks" by Leslie Fiedler; "Revivals of Ancient Mythologies in Current Science Fiction and Fantasy” [no author listed]; "Henry Kuttner, C.L. Moore, and the Evolution of Science Fiction” by James Gunn; "The Bibliographic Control of Science Fiction: Current State and Future Needs" by H.W. Hall; “Probing the Limits” by Robert Lima; “Science Fiction in Libraries” by Charles Mann; notes taken by Murray S. Martin during a conference; “A Case of Conscience and the Ontology of Fiction" by Michael McClintock; "The Uses of Science Fiction in George Allan England's Golden Blight" by Gerald W. O’Connor; “The Innovators” by Frederik Pohl; “Taylorism in Zamiatin’s We” by Carolyn H. Rhodes; “Utopias Considered” by Lyman T. Sargent; "H.G. Wells's Discovery of the Future" by Curtis C. Smith; "Science Fiction and the Critic" by Stuart H. Stock; and “Science Fiction Conference Papers in Hand.”
Repository Details
Part of the University of Kansas. Kenneth Spencer Research Library Repository