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Schubert, Funk, Cooper-Warren Mortuaries records

Call Number: RH MS 1597


This collection is made up of funeral records from the Schubert Mortuary and the Funk Mortuary, which eventually combined with the Cooper-Warren Mortuary in Eudora and Lawrence, Kansas. It also includes an abstract of the C.W. Smith Mortuary records from 1890 to 1907.


  • Creation: 1904 - 1966


Conditions Governing Access

No access restrictions.

Conditions Governing Use

Spencer Library staff may determine use restrictions dependent on the physical condition of manuscript materials.

History of the Schubert, Funk, Cooper-Warren, and Warren-McElwain Mortuaries

Originally called “William Schubert and Son Furniture and Undertaking,” the Schubert Mortuary opened in 1904 in Eudora, Douglas County, Kansas. By 1926 Schubert Mortuary had a location in downtown Lawrence, Kansas, and letters addressed to the company were written to Carl Schubert.

In 1909 T.D. Funk opened Funk Mortuary in Lawrence, Kansas. Fred Cooper and Bill Warren merged their firms in 1953, going by Funk-Cooper-Warren for a short time and then...
by Cooper-Warren Mortuary until 1968, when Bill Warren purchased Cooper’s interest.

In 1971 the mortuary moved into a new building it had built at 120 West 13th Street in Lawrence. Larry McElwain, who worked at the mortuary, and his father Keith purchased the firm in 1974 after Bill Warren’s sudden death. In 1985, after Keith McElwain’s death, Phil Padden became a partner with Larry McElwain until 2011. McElwain sold the firm to Jim Larkin in 2013, and it continues to operate in the early 21st century as the Warren-McElwain Mortuary in Lawrence and Eudora.

[Information gathered from collection materials and the Warren-McElwain Mortuary website,]

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1.5 Linear Feet (2 boxes + 13 volumes) ; Volumes measure 38 cm tall.

Language of Materials


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Scope and Contents

The ledgers in this collection have spaces to list personal information about the deceased, including name, age, parentage, place of birth, place of death, and cause of death. Most of the ledgers also provide a space to list “race” or “color.” While names and dates are consistently included, the presence of other information varies.

Some of the funeral records are in 23 x 38 cm volumes shelved at RH MS G91. Other funeral records were in binders that were disassembled and the contents placed in folders for preservation purposes. These records are housed at RH MS 1597, with the loose papers removed from the other volumes.

The names of the deceased are listed at the beginning of each volume, grouped in alphabetical order by the first letter of the last name, along with the page on which their record can be found. The records in folders list the names for each year using the same method. Some names appear in both the Funk-Cooper-Warren 1953-1956 RH MS G91 Volume 15 and the Funk Funeral Records folders/Funk-Cooper-Warren Funeral Record folders from 1953 and 1954, RH MS 1597 folders 27 and 28. Also included in the folders are printed alphabetical indexes for a few of the volumes, which appear to have been created at a later date.

Physical Location

RH MS 1597

Physical Location


Immediate Source of Acquisition

Gift, Larry McElwain, 2012.


Guide to the Warren-McElwain Mortuary records
Schubert, Funk, Cooper-Warren Mortuaries records
Finding aid prepared by eje. Finding aid encoded by eje.
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Describing Archives: A Content Standard
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Finding aid written in English.
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Preferred citation
Schubert, Funk, Cooper-Warren Mortuaries Records, RH MS 1597, Kenneth Spencer Research Library, University of Kansas.

Repository Details

Part of the University of Kansas. Kenneth Spencer Research Library Repository

1450 Poplar Lane
Lawrence KS 66045-7616 United States