Oversize muster rolls for Charles Edwards, located at RH MS S3
BIOGRAPHY of Charles L. Edwards
Charles Livingston Edwards was born in 1828 in Southhampton, Massachusetts. He received his education and began teaching in Massachusetts before moving to Lawrence, Kansas in November 1855, initially working as clerk for the New England Emigrant Aid Society.
Edwards held a variety of educational offices in Douglas County, including serving as first schoolmaster in Lawrence and first superintendent of public instruction for the county. He was also one... of the first trustees of the educational institution that later became the University of Kansas.
Edwards moved back east in 1860 to serve as principal of Southampton Academy, marrying Susan R. Powers in October that year. In 1862 he enlisted as a private in the 37th Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers and moved up the ranks, ending his military career as a major and participating in battles that included Fredericksburg, Gettysburg, Petersburg, and Sailor's Creek.
Ater the war, Edwards returned to Lawrence, Kansas with his wife. They had one child surviving to adulthood, Virginia. Charles Edwards died November 22, 1916.
Repository Details
Part of the University of Kansas. Kenneth Spencer Research Library Repository