White, William Allen, 1868-1944
William Allen White was a renowned newspaper editor, politician, and author. In 1895 White bought the Emporia Gazette in Emporia, Kansas and through his editorials became known as the "Sage of Emporia"; he won the 1923 Pulitzer Prize for his editorial entitled "To an Anxious Friend."
White and his wife, Sallie Moss Lindsay, had two children. Their daughter, Mary, died tragically in an accident in 1921. William Allen White died in 1944.
Found in 21 Records:
Collected poems of William Allen White compiled by Donald S. Pady, Tempe, Arizona
Unpublished scrapbook compiled by Donald S. Pady of poems written by Kansas-based journalist and newspaper editor William Allen White. According to Pady, the purpose of the collection is to bring together the many verses of White which are found in numerous publications.
Dr. H. M. Floersch Collection
This collection includes photographs of William Allen White, noted editor of the Emporia Gazette and his daughter, Mary Katherine, as well as correspondence between W.A. White, Mary Jane Haynes, and Random House, Inc. These items were found laid in books belonging to Dr. H.M. Floersch, who had collected books by White and later donated them to the Kenneth Spencer Research Library.
James Howe papers
James P. Howe, an Associated Press foreign correspondent for 21 years, was the son of famous Kansas writer and newspaper publisher, Edgar Watson Howe, of the Atchison Globe. This collection consist of correspondence from 1956-1970, manuscripts of stories Howe was assimilatinginto a book, newspaper articles, legal papers, misc. short stories by Howe and other authors, and a scrapbook.
Leander Stillwell correspondence
Most of the correspondence included in this collection is from Stillwell to his father, Jeremiah O. Stillwell. These letters, dating from January, 1863 to the end of December, 1863, relate Stillwell's military experience to his father. Later correspondence, dating from 1898 to 1920, is from various political figures to Stillwell asking for favors, endorsements, or his opinions.
Letter to Rose Edington
This letter, dated December 22, 1919, is from Emporia Gazette editor William Allen White to Rose Edington of Troy, Kansas, who worked as a linotypist and subscription contest organizer for various newspapers in Kansas and Nebraska. White's letter is written in response to Miss Edington's solicitation for contributions of clothing for the needy.
Letter to Senator George Moses
In this 3-page letter to U.S. Senator George Moses of New Hampshire, Emporia Gazette editor William Allen White addresses the circumstances surrounding his work as Kansas delegate and member of the Committee on Resolutions during the June 1936 Republican National Convention at which Kansas Governor Alf Landon was nominated for President.
Letters to Minnie Hite Moody
These three letters, dated 1937, 1938, and 1941, were written by newspaper editor and writer William Allen White to Minnie Hite Moody, a columnist with the Atlanta Journal from 1938-1943, and a published author of poems, short stories, and novels. White writes in response to Moody, offering encouragement and aid in her writing efforts.
Letters to Paul S. Seybolt
These two letters were written by newspaper editor and author William Allen White in response to a request that a book entitled Kansas Poetry, which he received from Paul S. Seybolt of West Medford, Massachusetts, be autographed. White comments on the ages at which he wrote his several poems which were published in the book and speculates that Seybolt's is the only copy extant.
Letters to Robert Sherwood
These two letters are from prominent journalist and writer William Allen White to noted playwright and Franklin D. Roosevelt speech-writer Robert Sherwood. White, who in May 1940 co-founded a political action group encouraging U.S. aid to Great Britain in its defense against Adolf Hitler, writes in these letters of U.S. measures being sought by the Committee and his concerns for America's allies.
Letters to Sarah Martin
These two letters, dated 1932 and 1933, were written by Emporia Gazette editor William Allen White to Sarah Martin, a former employee of the Gazette, who was employed in New York City at the time of his writing.
Marion Ellet papers
Mike Kautsch collection of William Allen White materials
Papers of Drew McLaughlin
The collection contains correspondence from Theodore Roosevelt, Kansas Senator Arthur Capper, William Allen White, Kansas Attorney General William Smith, and Herbert Hoover, as well as clippings and radio broadcasts concerning Mr. McLaughlin. Collection also contains a delegate medal owned by McLaughlin from the Republican National Convetion held in Kansas City in 1928.
Phyllis A. Lawton collection
Rachel Crown papers
The Rachel Crown papers contain photocopied genealogical charts, family group lists, and photographs of Rachel Crown's Armistead family and Crown family ancestors, who were among the early settlers of Smith County, Kansas. Included also are several photocopies of Rachel Crown's writings, as well as a letter written to her from William Allen White in 1937.
Records of the Emporia Gazette
Ruby Rosenberg papers regarding William Allen White
Mrs. Ruby Holland Rosenberg met William Allen White in 1928. At that meeting she was hired to write book reviews and a column, "Peeps at Emporia Gardens," for the Emporia Gazette. This collection contains correspondence with White, photographs of William and Sallie White, and newspaper clippings.
Ruth Garver Gagliardo papers
The Ruth Garver Gagliardo papers, dating from 1914-1978, contain correspondence, newspaper clippings, printed materials, and photographs, which mainly document her professional career as a journalist and reviewer of and authority on children's books.
Walter Johnson's key to microfilm letters to or from William Allen White
Key to microfilm letters to or from William Allen White in the possession of Walter Johnson, 1899 through July 1939 / Walter Johnson.
William Allen White collection
The William Allen White Collection contains correspondence and writings by and about native Kansan William Allen White, whose grass roots social and political editorials as editor of the Emporia Gazette earned him a Pulitzer Prize and international fame. Included in the collection, acquired by the William Allen White School of Journalism and Public Information at the University of Kansas, are many photographs of White and his associates.
William Allen White letters to Adam Brand
This collection includes letters written by William Allen White to Adam Brand from 1926-1934. White was a journalist from Emporia, KS and became a leader of the Progressive movement in Kansas in 1912. White befriended Theodore Roosevelt and helped him create the Progressive (Bull-Moose) Party. White's political interests led him to write a biography of Woodrow Wilson in 1924. Brand contacted White for help with creating a play about Wilson's life.
Additional filters:
- Subject
- Emporia gazette (Emporia, Kan. : 1892) 3
- Emporia (Kan.) -- History 2
- American poetry -- Kansas 1
- Arkansas -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 1
- Children's literature 1
- Concordia (Kan.) -- History 1
- Education 1
- Journalism -- Style manuals 1
- Journalists -- Correspondence 1
- Journalists -- Kansas -- Correspondence 1
- Judges -- Correspondence 1
- Kansas -- Newspapers 1
- Miami County (Kan.) 1
- Mississippi -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 1
- Paola (Kan.) 1
- Smith County (Kan.) -- History 1
- Suffrage -- Kansas 1
- Tennessee -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 1
- United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 1
- William Allen White Children's Book Award 1
- Women newspaper editors -- Kansas 1
- World War, 1939-1945 -- United States 1 + ∧ less